Background Removal

Hey there! I am going to be showing you how to remove a background in Adobe Photoshop. "Background removal" is searched for a lot on the web. There are quite a few methods to do this. I'm gonna show you some that have helped me greatly.


One way is by using the Quick Selection tool. It works really good for solid pictures with preferably low grain and no bleed onto the subject(s). Just select it and drag it over the areas you want to remove. After you you're done and it's not all gone, use the eraser tool to finish the job. 

As you can see, it turned out pretty good.


Another technique I do is using the Polygonal Lasso Tool. It's used for those grainier-than-usual images with the subject taking color from the background, making it impossible for us to use the Quick select Tool.

The example picture below can be found here. I cannot use the Quick Selection Tool for this because some the outline of her face is matching or close to matching the whitish background. And there is also a slight grain in the image. 

Select the Polygonal Lasso Tool and set the feather to 1px. Now left-click around the outline of her face to select her. Then right-click and click "Select Inverse." Press "Delete" on your keyboard.

...and we're done!


Those are the 2 techniques that I use when removing the background form a picture using Adobe Photoshop.
There are other ways you can do it such as using the eraser tool or the Quick Mask Mode. It's all up to you really.


I hope you learned something from this free Photoshop tutorial. Please leave your comments below and share this free tutorial on Facebook.

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